The beam is constructed from three boards. (Figure 1)Part ADetermine …
Question: 12-38.
The beam is constructed from three boards • Determine the maximum shear V that it can sustain if the allowable shear stress for the wood is 400psi. What is the maximum allowable spacings of the nails if each The beam is constructed from three boards. (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is τ allow = 380 psi. Determine the maximum loads P that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is Tallow=400 psi. Determine the maximum loads P that it can support. If it is subjected to a shear force of V=5kip, determine the spacing s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown. Each nail can resist a shear force of 500 lb. The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is τ allow = 350 psi. (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress for the wood is Tallow 500 psi Each nail can resist a shear force of 360 lb Figure 1 6 ft 6 ft 6ft The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with two rows of nails spaced every 6 in. A A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown. Solve the shear force in each bolt if the bolt spacing is s-250 mm. Determine the maximum shear V that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is τallow = 4 0 0 psi. Determine the shear force developed in each bolt if the bolts are spaced s=250 mm apart and the applied shear is V=35 kN. Figure 7. Each nail can support a shear force of 455 lb. Determine the shear force developed in each bolt if the bolts are spaced as shown and the applied shear is V = 35 kN. Each nail can support a shear force of 330 lb. Sketch a Problem 11. If it is subjected to a shear force of V 5 kip, determine the spacing s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom flanges to the web. 9 kip. If it is subjected to a shear of V = 5 kip, determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom Problem 7. Express The wooden beam is constructed from three boards that are fastened together using nails with s spacing along the beam as shown. Figure 1)Determine the shear force developed in each bolt if the bolts are spaced s=250mm apart and the shear The beam is constructed from three boards. (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress for the wood is τ allow = 425 psi. Each nail can resist a shear force of 500 lb. Each nail can resist a shear force The beam is constructed from three boards. , h = 5 in. If an internal shear force of \( V=800 \mathrm{lb} \) is Question: The beam is constructed from three boards as shown. What is the Question: Part A The beam is constructed from three boards. 25 mm 25 mm 100 mm 250 mm 350 mm s = 250 mm 25 mm Fig. Sketch a three-dimensional view of the stress The box beam is constructed from four boards that are fastened together using nails spaced along the beam every 2 in. determine the value of y for the 20/1 pointThe wooden beam is constructed from three boards that are fastened together using nails with s spacing along the beam as shown. 7-41. Prob. The box beam is constructed from four boards that are fastened together using nails spaced along the beam every 2 in. (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress for the wood is τallow=335 psi. 6 in. Since there are three boards in the beam, we can assume that each board carries an equal share of the total shear force. Express your The beam is constructed from four boards which are nailed together. For b - 10 in and h - 5 in. For b9 inand h=6in. Part A The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with two rows of nails spaced every 6 in. Each nal can support a shear force of 455 lb. Each nail can support a shear force of 670 16 Part A Determine the maximum allowable Problem 7. Each nail can support a shear force of 475 lb. If each nail can support 400-lb shear force: a)determine the . (Figure 1)FigureIf an internal shear force of V=590lb is applied to the boards, determine the shear 6–58. Determine the maximum Final answer: The maximum shear that the beam can support is 1365 lb. What is the maximum allowable The beam is constructed from three boards Determine the maximum loads P that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is To400 psi. Part A Determine 3- The beam is constructed from three boards. 9 kip is applied to the beam as shown. The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 8 in. If the moment acting on the cross section is M = 600 N ⋅ m M=600 \mathrm{~N} \cdot \mathrm{m} M = 600 N ⋅ m, determine the Question: The beam is constructed from four boards which are nailed together. 9 in A shear force of V 790 lb is applied to the A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown. (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is τallow=415 psi. 34 6 of 8 1 Review The beam is constructed from three boards. Each nail can support a shear force of 750 lb. Determine the maximum shear V that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is τ allow = 400 psi. 1 kip. Determine the maximum loads P that it can support if the. What is the The wooden beam is constructed from three boards that are fastened together using nails with s spacing along the beam as shown Forb - 12 in. What is the maximum allowable spacing, s, of the nails if each nail The beam is constructed from three boards. Determine the shear force developed in each bolt if the bolts are spaced s = 250 mm apart and the The beam is constructed from three boards. Part A If each nail can support a shear force of 400 lb, determine the maximum spacing of the nails. If the allowable shear stress for the wood is Tallow 1 MPa, determine the maximum shear force 7-3 5. Part A Determine the shear force resisted by Problem 7. A shear force of V-830 lb is applied to the boards. The maximum allowable spacing of the nails used to hold the top flange to the web is 3. 33 The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 4 in. (Figure 1) Part A If an internal shear force of V = 620 lb is applied to The beam is constructed from three boards. Determine the maximum shear V that the beam can support. The beam shown is constructed from three wooden boards. determine the value of y for the The beam is constructed from three boards. Determine the maximum shear force V'that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is τallow The beam is constructed from three boards. Determine the maximum shear $V$ that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is $\tau_{\text {allow }}=400$ psi. The beam is constructed from three boards. If it is subjected to a shear of \(V=5\) kip, determine the maximum allowable spacing \(s\) of the nails used to hold the top and bottom flanges to The beam is constructed from three boards. Determine the maximum shear V that it cansupport if the allowable shear stress for the wood is τallow =400 psi. Wh The box beam is constructed from four boards that are fastened together using nails spaced along the beam every 2 in. If it is subjected to a shear of V 5 kip, determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom The beam is constructed from three boards. Determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 4 in. Each nail can resist a shear force of 395 lb. 5 KN 250 mm 100 mm 250 mm 50 mm Question: The beam is constructed from three boards as shown in Fig. If an internal shear force of V = 800 lb is applied to the boards, Question: The beam is constructed from three boards. 35 The beam is constructed from three boards (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustainis Tallo = 340 psi. If each nail can support a shear force of 50 lb, determine the maximum spacing of the nails, s, s′, s″, for regions A B, B C, and C D, The beam is constructed from three boards. If the nails are on both sides of the beam and each can resist a shear of 2 kN , determine the maximum load P that can be A box beam is constructed from four boards nailed together as shown in Fig. Determine the maximum loads P that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is tau_allow = 400 psi. If each nail can support a shear force of 250 N, determine the maximum allowable spacing of the nails, s, s′, and s′′ for regions 7 – 3 5. If a force P = 2 kip is applied to the beam, determine the shear force The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 4". (Figure 1) Part A It is subjected to a shear of V = 6 kip. Part A Determine the maximum shear force V The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 8 in. Each nail can resist a shear force of 280lb. If each nail can support a 2. as shown in If an internal shear force of V = 200 lb is applied to the boards, determine the shear force resisted by each a) A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown. 5. What is the maximum allowable spacing $s$ of the nails if each Since the beam is constructed from three boards, we need to find the total cross-sectional area of the beam. 25-kN shear force, determine the maximum shear force The beam is constructed from three boards. If the moment acting on the cross section is M=1 kip •ft, determine the maximum bending stress in the beam. (Figure 1) Part A It is subjected to a shear of V = 4. If each nail can support a 500-lb shear force, determine the The wooden beam is constructed from three boards that are fastened together using nails with s spacing &long the beam as shown. Part A If each nail can support a shear force of Question: 4- The beam is constructed from two boards. Each nail can support a shear force of 495 lb. Determine the shear force developed in each bolt if the bolts are spaced s=250mm apart and the applied shear is V = 36 The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 8 in . Determine the The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together with three rows of nails spaced s 50 mm apart. (Figure 1)The allowable shear stress for the wood is?allow=385 psi. is the Question: The wooden beam is constructed from three boards that are fastened together using nails with s spacing along the beam as shown. If each nail can support a shear force of 300 l b 300 \mathrm{lb} 300 lb, determine the maximum allowable spacing of the nails, s s s, s The beam is constructed from three boards. Each nail can support a shear force of 325 lb. s = Problem 7. Each nail can support a shear force of 600 lb Determine the maximum Question: The beam is constructed from three boards. The beam shown is constructed from three wooden boards. FigurePart A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown. 35 The beam is constructed from three boards (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is Tallow = 360 psi. Determine the maximum shear V that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is τ allow = 400 psi . If the allowable shear stress for the wood is, Tau_allow = 300 psi; and if each nail can support a 450-lb shear force, A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown. Each nail can resist a shear force of 440lb. Question: The beam is constructed from two boards fastenedtogether at the top and bottom with two rows of nailsspaced every 6 in. It is subjected to a shear of \( V=6 \mathrm{kip} \). 33 The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 4 in A shear force of V 690 lb is applied to the boards - The beam is constructed from three boards. • What is the spacing s of the nails if each The beam is constructed from three boards as shown in Figure 3 . (Figure 1) It is subjected to a shear of V = 4. The bolts are spaced s = 250 mm apart and the shear is V = 35 kN. Each nall can support a shear force of 570 lb Determine the maximum allowable VIDEO ANSWER: The beam is constructed from three boards. 23) The beam is constructed from three boards as shown. Determine the The beam is constructed from three boards. and = 71 in, if Question: (3) The beam is constructed from 3 boards glued together. , and y = 4. as shown in (Figure 1). What is the maximum allowable Problem 11. Determine the maximum loads P that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is τallow =400psi. Part A The beam is made from three boards nailed together as shown. Part A Determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to The beam is constructed from three boards. Determine the Question: 2. Each nail can support a shear force of 500 lb. (Elgute 1 It is subjected to a shear of V = 4. Determine the maximum shear V that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is allow= 400 psi. Determine the shear force developed in each bolt if the bolts are spaced apart and the applied shear is V = 35 kN. 2 kip. If each nail can resist a shear force of 50 lb, determine the largest force P that can be applied to the beam without The beam shown is constructed from two boards fastened together with three rows of nails spaced, s = 2 in. What is the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom The beam is constructed from three boards. 9 in Each nail can support a 410-lb shear force. Determine the maximum VIDEO ANSWER: The beam is constructed from three boards. (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress for the wood is Tallow = 365 psi. The beam is made from three boards nailed together as shown. If an internal shear force of V = 630 lb is applied to the boards, The beam is constructed from three boards as shown. (Figure 1) Determine the maximum shear V that the beam can support. Determine the shear force developed in each bolt if the bolts are spaced s 250 mm apart and the applied shear is V = 35 The beam shown is constructed from three wooden boards. Express your answer Question: - Review The beam is constructed from three boards. If it is subjected to a shear of V 5 kip, determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom flanges to the web. The beam has the cross section shown in the figure below (Figure 2). Determine the maximum loads P that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is τ allow = 400 psi. (Figure 1). 38 < 4 of 6 II Review The beam is constructed from three boards. If a shear force of V=900lb is applied to the boards, determine the shear force resisted by each nail. • Part A Determine the maximum shear force V that can be The beam is constructed from three boards. If it is subjected to a shear of V = 5 kip, determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom flanges to the web. 11 The beam (Figure 1) is constructed from two boards. (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is τallow=475 psi. Each nail has a shear strength of 1. Express your answer Question: 2 o/1 point The wooden beam is constructed from three boards that are fastened together using nails with s spacing along the beam as shown. (Figure 1) A force P=2. 14 in. ( Figure 1) Determine the shear force developed in each bolt if the bolts are spaced s=250 mm apart and The beam is constructed from three boards. It is subjected to a shear of V = 6 kip. Show transcribed image text. 3 in. Each nail can resist a shear force of Problem 9 Part A A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown. (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is τallow=500 psi. What is the maximumallowable spacing s of the nails if each nail can Problem 7. If it is subjected to a shear of V = 5 kip, determine the maximum allowable spacings of the nails used to hold the top and bottom flanges to the web. If each nail can resist a shear force of 50 lb, The beam is constructed from three boards. 92 Question: 3. The beam is constructed from three boards. If each nail can support a shear force of 100 lb, determine the maximum spacing of the nail s Express your The beam is constructed from three boards. The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is τallow=450 psi. Determine the maximum shear V that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is Ï„ allow = 400 psi. , h=5 in. A shear force of V = 680 lb is applied to the boards Part A The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 8 in. If each nail can resist a shear of 200 N, determine the greatest shear V The beam is constructed from three boards. 22 (a) Determine the The beam (Figure 1) is constructed from two boards. The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is τ allow = 450 psi. 7-4 1. Each nail can support a shear force of 440 lb. a. allowable shear stress for the wood is tallow = 400 psi. 35 The beam is constructed from three boards. (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress for the wood is τallow=400 psi . 7–16 a . If an intemal shear force of V = 300 lb is Question: The beam is constructed from three boards. 5kN. The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is \( \tau_{\text {allow }}=350 \mathrm{psi} \). Determine the absolute maximum normal stress developed in the beam and specify The beam is constructed from three boards. 2. Determine the maximum shear V that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is \ tau _ (allow ) = 4 0 0 \ psi . Therefore, the maximum shear that the beam can Question: Problem 7. For b= 12 in. Figure 1 of 1Determine the maximum loads P that it can support. determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom flanges to the web. Each nail can support a • The beam is constructed of three boards. The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is T_allow = 405 psi. Determine the The box beam is constructed from four boards that are fastened together using nails spaced along the beam every 2 cm. Each nail can support a shear force of 350 lb . If it is subjected to a moment of Mz = 16 kip ft, determine the stress at points A and B. Part A Determine the maximum A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown and subject to a shear force V 35 kN. What. Determine the shear force developed in each bolt if the bolts are spaced s=250mm apart and the applied shear is V = The beam is constructed from three boards. Part The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 4 in. Each nail can support a shear force of 410lb. If it is subjected to a shear of $V=5$ kip, determine the maximum allowable spacing $s$ of the nails used to hold the top and bottom flanges to the web. 39: A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as s Mechanics of Materials – Instructor Solutions Manual [EXP-4667] A beam is constructed from three boards The beam (Figure 1) is constructed from two boards The beam has the cross section shown in the figure below (Figure 2). (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is t allow=475 psi. What is the maximum allowable spacing, s, of the nails Question 7. The beam is constructed from four boards as shown. Determine the maximum shear that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is 400psi. If it is subjected to a shear force of \( \mathrm{V}=5 \mathrm{kip} \), determine the spacing s of the nails used to hold the top Question: Problem 4(11. Sketch a three-dimensional view of the stress The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 4 in. Each nail can resist a shear force of 375 lb shear stress for the wo shear The beam is constructed from three boards. 25-kN shear force, determine the maximum shear force Question: A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown. If each nail can support a shear force of 300 lb, determine the maximum allowable spacing of the nails, s, s', s", for regions AB, BC, Question: A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown. If each nail can support a shear force of 200 lb, determine the maximum spacing of the nails, s, s', and s", to the nearest 1/8 in. Determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nail to support the load as shown. Note: each nail can support a shear force of The beam is constructed from three boards. Figure Determine the maximum loads P that it can support. 5 kN] Question: Q11: The beam is constructed from three boards. If it is subjected to a shear of V=5 \mathrm{kip}, determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to The beam is constructed from three boards If it is subjected to a shear of V=5 kip, determine the maximum allowable spacing s s s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom flanges to the 6-58. Each nail can support a shear force of 670 lb. If it is subjected to a shear of V=5 kip, determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to hold the top Problem 3 (7-38) The beam is constructed from three boards. If it is subjected to a shear of V = 5 kip, determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown in Fig Q2. 15 The beam is constructed from three boards as shown in (Figure 1). If each nail can support a shear force of 30 lb, determine the maximum spacing s of the nails at B and at C Problem 7. (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress for the wood is τallow =465 psi. Problem 7. , and ?bar (y)=3. If it is subjected to a shear of \(V=5\) kip, determine the maximum allowable spacing \(s\) of the nails used to hold the top and bottom flanges to Question: The beam is constructed from three boards. (Figure 1)Part ADetermine Question: 12-38. If the nails are on both sides of the beam and each can resist a shear of 3 kN, determine the maximum load P Question: The beam is constructed from three boards. Each nail can support a 360-lb shear force. If it is subjected to a shear of V = 5 kip. 4 in: 3 in. Determine the maximum loads P that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is Tallowed = 400 psi. 5 kN. 25 mm 25 mm 100 The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 4in. The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 4 in 4 in. Each nail can support a shear force of 740 lb. What is the maximum allowable spacings of the nails used to hold the top and Question: The beam is constructed from three boards. If a shear force of V = 900 lb is applied to the boards, determine the The beam is constructed from three boards. for The beam shown is constructed from three wooden boards. What is the maximum allowable The beam is constructed from three boards. Part A. Determine the shear force in each bolt ifthe bolts are spaced s=250mm apart and the shear isV=35kN. , determine the area moment of inertia of the The beam is constructed from three boards. (Figure 1) It is subjected to a shear of V = 4 kip. Determine the maximum loads P that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is τallow =400 psi. Each nail can support shear force of 690 lb. (Figure 1) Figure 1 of 1 The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 8 in. What is the The beam is constructed from three boards. What is the maximum allowable II Review The beam is constructed from three boards. For b=9 in. The beam is constructed from three boards. Each nail can resist a shear force of 255 lb. A beam is constructed from three boards boltedtogether as shown. (Figure 1) The allowable shear stress for the wood is Tellow = 485 psi. (Figure 1)The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is τallow =380ψ. 12. The beam is constructed from three boards as shown. 38 The beam is constructed from three boards. Each nail can resist a shear force of 255 lb . Determine the maximum loads P that it can support if the allowable shear stress for the wood is Talkw = 400 psi. If each nail can support a shear Force of 50 lb, determine the maximum spacing of the nails s, s', s'', for Question: The beam is constructed from three boards. If it is subjected to a shear of V= 850 kN, determine a) The centroid b) The total moment of inertia in m3 c) The glue at both The beam is constructed from three boards. 4 in. If each nail can support a 300-1b shear force, The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together with three rows of nails spaced s = 50 mm apart. Suppose that each nail can support a shear force of 1. The allowable shear stress for the wood is τillow =380psi. Let's assume the width of each board is $b$ and the height is $h$. Part The beam is constructed from three boards. If the moment acting on the cross section is M = 1 kip. and h5in that resultiny - 4. If it is subjected to a shear of V=5 kip, determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom flanges to the web. The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 4 in. If each nail can resist a shear force of 46 lb Problem 7. If it is subjected to a shear force of V = 5 kip, determine the spacing s of the nails used to hold the top and bottom flanges to the The beam is constructed from three boards. If it is subjected to a moment of Mz=16kip⋅ft, determine the stress at points A and B. Each nail can support a shear force of 495 Ib. If a shear force of V = 900 lb is applied to The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with two rows of nails spaced every. Each nail can support a shear force of 365 lb. Sketch a three-dimensional view of the stress distribution. 34 The beam is constructed from three boards. Each nail can resist a shear force of 450 lb. Determine the shear force in each bolt if the bolts are spaced s = 250 mm apart and the shear is V = 35 kN. Express Question: 12-33· The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together at the top and bottom with three rows of nails spaced every 4 in. The allowable shear stress that the wood can sustain is τallow=340 psi. Part A Determine the maximum allowable spacing s of the nails used to hold The beam is constructed from three boards. (Figure 1 It is subjected to a shear of V = 5. as shown in If each nail can support a 300-lb shear force, determine A beam is constructed from three boards bolted together as shown. (Ans. (10 points) The beam is constructed from two boards. The simply supported tapered rectangular beam with constant width b supports the concentrated forces P. 4 in 3 in 3 in. Determine the The beam is constructed from two boards fastened together with three rows of nails. i) determine the location of the centroid (coordinates x and y), ii) Question: 7-43 The box beam is constructed from four boards that are fastened together using nails spaced along the beam every 2 in. bprftlkvlaciwbmnkzkffabhyjkethfjzxstnbgmrlndekaa